This is a first try so please don't judge to harshly. I am hoping that setting up a blog spot will allow me to post our Jace photos and updates in a more timely fashion.
Jace is napping in the crib. This never happens but today we decided to give it a try. Prompted by a Parents magazine article about infants napping. It said to get him out of the bad habit of only napping in my arms. So, I fed him and put him down in the crib at the time he usually naps. He only screamed for 10 minutes before he fell asleep. Yikes.
I have been meaning to email some of the recent photos of Jace. Our Halloween ones came out pretty good.
We had a blast at Sullivan's house the Sunday before Halloween.

It was great to visit and see them. Jace demonstrated his hair pulling skills on Lily. He also loved chewing on one of the pumpkin scraping tools.

We goofed around and took a lot of photos. We didn't get a lot of pumpkin carving done but that turned out to be a good thing because the one pumpkin that I carved was all moldy and soft by Halloween. I'm curious how Lily's pumpkin held up in the dorm all week. Eeeeww.
We always enjoy the Marsik's Halloween bash and this year was no exception. I went as Sarah Palin. I even tried to dye my hair darker but chickened out and washed the color out to soon to see any change. Joel went as Joe six pack (a.k.a. Joe the plumber). He wore his survey gear and the beard he had grown while in TX for 2 weeks.

Jace went as ninja turtle, Donatello. The little turtle hat was too small but he looked cute. Joel's friends: Grant, Chris & Aaron appreciated the costume. The four of them are "the turtles".

On Halloween we carved the rest of our pumpkins and took some photos of Jace in his little monster costume that Grandma Joy got for him. These photos turned out great.

I had hoped to stage the photos outside in the fall leaves but Jace objected. The sound of the crunching leaves freaked him out and he refused to sit in them. Oh, well. Maybe next year.