It's almost the end of January. It's about time I post the Christmas stuff!

Christmas in
Wray this year was split into two trips because Curt and
Kadra were home the week before Christmas and Dan and Becky were home the week of Christmas. We had a fantastic time seeing everyone. Unfortunately, we didn't get a complete family picture.

I got this adorable shot while waiting for everyone to assemble for the group picture.
Jace with his Great-Grandpa Courtney.

A rare shot of the
Brophy siblings all gathered for Christmas. I wish Curt,
Kadra and Amanda could have been there too.
Jace was the photo assistant on this one. He stood next to the tripod as everyone gathered. He was shouting at everyone to smile and would only run into the shot after I started the camera timer.

The Palmer family gathered together after Christmas. Cousin Christopher joined us, visiting from PA. He and Joel got to spend a couple very cold days skiing at Winter Park.