Today was the first day of Kindergarten for Jace! It was quite a scene as a crowd of parents stood by and watched the two lines file into the elementary school. Jace was nervous but he did great! Tonight we got stories of his day in bits and pieces. He said there are not toys in Kindergarten but there are toys in the other room (the Enrichment classroom where he goes for the afternoon). He said 3 whistles mean: thunder and lightning, 2 whistles mean: line up, and 1 whistle means: someone is not listening. He says he doesn't buy his lunch but he still had to wear a tag with his lunch number on it. These were the snippets of information that he interjected into conversation. It slowly paints a picture for us. I'm sure we will learn lots more as the days and weeks go by.

I wish I could say I was as excited about my classroom experience. After a crazy, week of working way to many hours (even much of the weekend), it was a bit of a relief to start class. Today went OK. I am trying to stay optimistic. I just have so many doubts about this job.
I miss spending the playtime hours with my kids. We had a lot of fun this summer in the hours between lunchtime and dinnertime. I am mourning the loss.
Julianne is practicing her walking
And adding to the stress of the last few days, my camera flash suddenly quit working! Camera store says to allow 4-6 weeks and $150-200 for repair. They offered to sell me a flash attachment (starting at $180 and not fixing the problem). I can't think about it without getting upset. I love my camera. Can't imagine that long without it. Grrrrrrrr!