Today's photo: Jace has Dad's help with a diaper dance in front of the mirror before bedtime.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Dad's gone - day 12
Today Jace was awake very early for no apparent reason. Luckily he went back to sleep for a little before getting up for the day. We enjoyed lunch at the Sandhiller with Grandma and Papa Courtney. Jace took a little afternoon nap. I finished the paperwork for his baptism (scheduled for Feb. 15). Jace had lots of laughs playing with Grandma Joy and Grandpa Doug. He seemed to be drooling even more than normal. I'm thinking a bucket around his neck might be more appropriate than the bib. I talked to Joel a couple of times in his travel today and my new phone might be a dud. I am taking it back to the store in the morning.
Today's photo: Laughing at the grandparents' games.

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dad's gone - day 11
Joel starts driving home tomorrow! I am excited and relieved. He probably won't actually be home until sometime Saturday but at least there is an end to this trip in sight.
Jace and I had a good day. We were in our pjs till almost noon. We had lunch with my folks at La Familia (yummy stuffed sopapillas). I got a new cell phone (now I have to figure out how to work it). We spent the afternoon at my Grandparents' house visiting and playing. Grandma Courtney made us a wonderful dinner and Jace did his chores (during dinner). Jace enjoyed walking with Grandpa Doug, listening to a music box with Grandpa Courtney and watching Grandma Joy's raspberries (she had him cracking up).
Two photos today cause I just couldn't decide. They both make me smile:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Dad's gone - day 10
Jace and I made the journey to visit my folks in Wray. It's about 2 1/2 hours from our house to here. It is exactly 20 minutes to long for Jace. The last few times we have made the drive he starts to loose it at Eckley.
Today as I rounded to corner into Yuma (30 min. to go) I said a little prayer and held my breath. We made it through Yuma with no red light challenges. I could hear Jace moving around in his seat. Accelerating out of Yuma I set the cruise control just a little faster than it was before. I was pushing the speed limit pretty hard but rationalizing that any officer to stop a frantic looking mom with a crying baby would probably cut some slack. A truck pulled onto the highway 1/4 mile ahead of me. Crap, that's going to slow me down cause I'm a chicken when it comes to passing trucks. Luckily this truck picks a speed that causes me no trouble. We make it to Eckley (15 min. to go). Glancing into the back seat I can see Jace lift his head trying to sit up out of the car seat. He is still quiet but definitely getting anxious. We make it to the little rest stop that is always closed (10 min. to go). I start to relax and sing along with the CD that's playing. That was what set him off. I suspect he didn't realize I was right there next to him. He starts wailing! I try to talk to him. "It's ok baby, we are almost to Grandma's house. You can get out and play soon. Your OK." He crys harder. I grit my teeth and let him cry. I hate this. Finally, we pull into my parent's driveway. Jace has calmed a little the last couple minutes were just moaning and sniffling. I park the car and jump in the back seat totally expecting red eyes and a red face, wet with tears. No. There is one tear on his cheek and he gives me a huge smile. He is fine. I'm exhausted.
In the end it is worth it because it is fun being here. Jace spent most of the rest of the day playing with Grandma Joy and Grandpa Doug.
Today's photo: Jace with the basketball. (Grandpa was rolling it to him)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Dad's gone - day 9
When Joel is gone I feel like I'm holding my breath. Its like I just have to go through all the motions for a few days (in this case almost 2 weeks) and when he gets home my real life can start again. I'm getting pretty good at filling up the days and pushing through but it just doesn't seem like this time counts. Nothing else has stopped or slowed down, just me.
Today's photo: We were just playing in the living room. He is a super cute little dude.
Today's photo: We were just playing in the living room. He is a super cute little dude.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Dad's gone - day 8
Happy Birthday Don!

Jace & I spent most of the day at home. It was very cold and snowing.
Today's photo: Mommy & Jace in the nursery.

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Dad's gone - day 6
Jace also loves to play with the remote control. When we arrived home this evening, after a long visit to Grandma's house, the 2006 Oscar broadcast was on the TV. I was pretty tiered so it took me a minute to figure out Jace had left the VCR running all afternoon. He is a busy guy.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Dad's gone - day 5
With Joel gone the weekend is going to feel the same as weekdays. Jace & I have a nice routine but we both laugh more when Joel is home. Today Jace played with Grandma Elaine, examined his own reflection and yelled really loud at the Mexican restaurant. As for me, I spent a little time organizing photos, a little time snuggling Jace and I plan on taking a long shower before bed. A pretty decent day over all.
Today's photo: He really loved his reflection.
Today's photo: He really loved his reflection.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Dad's gone - day 4
Another day of Jace & I hanging out at home. The last 2 months have been so packed full of going places that it is weird to just be home. I thought the house would be cleaner if I had a few days to be home. I was wrong. Today was good because it was so mellow. Highlights were calls to Mom, Curt, Becky C. and Joel.
Today's photo: an extreme close up of that little crinkle nose look.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Dad's gone - day 3
Another long day. Tonight I am trying to get to bed earlier. Jace and I had a great morning and a bit of a rocky afternoon. Our walk ended in tears today (only his this time). Looking back at the end of the day the though parts are easy to remember but there were lots of great moments also. He had to concentrate to get Cheerios into his mouth. He noticed a squirrel playing in the tree. He jumped in front of the mirror before bedtime. These are the things I like to remember. and the view peeking into the crib after his nap:
Two photos tonight:
Winks the stuffed elephant in the wash and Jace watching him spin:
A Christmas Story
Now that most of the debris is cleared away I find a little time to post our Christmas photos. We were so blessed to celebrate with two families over several days. I wish we also could have squeezed in some time with the Brophys but a baby (and his exhausted mom) can only do so much.
In Wray my immediate family was all there for a couple days. Grandma & Grandpa Courtney and the Sullivan family joined us for tons of food and games. At Grandma's house we got to make cookies, watch some old family videos and play cards.
Christmas day we were back in Denver and spent a quiet day at Palmer's house with Gary, Elaine, Jessica and Don. One the 26th the kids were there and we opened gifts and took some photos.
What a wonderful Christmas!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Dad's gone - day 2
Today felt long. Jace was a little cranky. I can't complain much though cause he took a good nap this morning and we got our grocery shopping done and it was super nice weather so we took a long walk.
Today's photo:
This morning Jace was sitting on the bed while I packed to come home from Palmer's house. When he tipped over backwards I got the camera out instead of helping him sit back up. He was irritated with me.
Today's photo:
This morning Jace was sitting on the bed while I packed to come home from Palmer's house. When he tipped over backwards I got the camera out instead of helping him sit back up. He was irritated with me.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dad's gone - day 1
We survived our week in Florida. I'll post pictures and stories soon. Right now I want to post a photo of the day for Joel. He is back working in El Paso. We have no idea how long this trip will be. The unpredictable schedule is a big bummer.
Today was a good day. Jace was happy and tried out a rice cake for the first time. He seemed to enjoy it though I don't think he ate much. Mostly it was smeared all over the tray and his hands and his hair and his bib and my clothes and my hair and the table. He would crinkle up his nose and laugh. It was adorable.

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Still a blur - I should be packing
I should be packing! I am just now stealing a few precious moment while Jace naps to post something new. Our holiday season was a crazy blur of activities and it really still has not calmed down. Tomorrow we leave for Orlando where Joel, Jessica and Don are running the Disney World marathon on Sunday. I am nervous about the flight but super excited to visit Dan and Becky again.
How do you pack all the stuff for a baby in bags that won't bring hefty fees at the airport? Oh, yeah and I have to remember a few things for Joel and I as well. Thank goodness we are staying with family and there are a few big items that they managed to procure for us that I don't have to worry about (crib, high chair, stroller, baby carrier).
Anyway, I'll post more awesome holiday photos when I get a chance (after the Florida trip). Until then, enjoy the ones we took at Winterpark skiing with Curt and Kadra before Christmas.
Love and prayers to the Sullivan family during the fires in Boulder County.
How do you pack all the stuff for a baby in bags that won't bring hefty fees at the airport? Oh, yeah and I have to remember a few things for Joel and I as well. Thank goodness we are staying with family and there are a few big items that they managed to procure for us that I don't have to worry about (crib, high chair, stroller, baby carrier).
Anyway, I'll post more awesome holiday photos when I get a chance (after the Florida trip). Until then, enjoy the ones we took at Winterpark skiing with Curt and Kadra before Christmas.
Love and prayers to the Sullivan family during the fires in Boulder County.
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