Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dad's gone - day 6

The little green radio toy has a "Yee-haw antenna feature". Today Jace figured out how to push the antenna. So I heard Yeeeeeeeee-Haaaaaw!!!! over and over and over.

Jace also loves to play with the remote control. When we arrived home this evening, after a long visit to Grandma's house, the 2006 Oscar broadcast was on the TV. I was pretty tiered so it took me a minute to figure out Jace had left the VCR running all afternoon. He is a busy guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey E It's Jill.
You have one of the cutest little boys ever and although we do not hang out, I enjoy watching your blog. You are so well spoken and do some many blogs. Way to be a power mom.