It seems I only blog when Joel is traveling. That is the case again today. When he is home it seems like our days are so full there is just not a spare moment. This past weekend we were running all over. We had a nice dinner out on Saturday night then stayed with Palmers. Sunday we took a day trip to the mountains. Jessica, Don and the kids were spending the weekend at a friend's house on Shadow Mountain Lake near Granby. This house was incredible (and for sale if you have 2.5 million $ to spend). We had a nice time with them snowshoeing, playing cards and watching movies.

It was a lot of driving to do in one day but I'm really glad we were able to go.
Monday Joel had the day off so we did some more stuff around the house. Joel installed one of the baby gates at the bottom of the stairs. Jace is getting good at pulling himself up and is starting to be interested in climbing. We did laundry and cleaned around the house. Jace "helped" Joel fold the clothes. Then we had our Monday night dinner with the family. Next week Dancing with the Stars starts up again. The show is the reason we all started getting together on Monday nights so we are looking forward to it.
Saturday: Jace trying to get the phone.

Today, Joel left for a short trip to Douglas WY were they are doing more survey work for the railroad. He is traveling with Tim this time. They hope to be home Thursday or maybe Friday. Jace and I spent most of the day at Palmer's house. Jace woke up a little early and then so he was ready for his nap right after breakfast. We took a walk around the pond this afternoon. Jace liked getting out of the stroller and sitting in the rocks at the park. I had to watch closely so he wouldn't eat any twigs or gravel. He also really liked the dogs that were out for walks. He would start kicking and trying to talk to them. I was pleased to have a successful walk with the stroller. Twice in the past I have had to hurry home with Jace crying in the stroller. I can't believe how warm it was today! Even tonight I have the window wide open. I hope we will get some more snow this spring. It is scary dry.
Today's Photo: He liked the park but didn't want his picture taken. Every time I got out the camera he frowned or turned away. I think the photo looks a little like Jace and his stroller superimposed into an Andrew Wyeth painting. Weird.
1 comment:
that picture of Joel picking up Jace by his clothes cracks me up, Chad does that to Bryn every now and then, it scares me to death!
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