Tuesday, July 21, 2009

bath time with Emma

Jace and Emma have a crazy relationship. They get each other very excited and usually end up both in trouble but they continue to seek each other out.
Jace will scream and laugh at Emma. Emma starts jumping and nipping at Jace. They chase each other around. Jace's most recent bonk on the forehead was a result of their rowdy play. We are not sure if Emma bumped Jace over or if Jace just got so excited that he fell over without any help from the puppy.
No matter what happens they love to play together.


Natasha said...

uhh...did i miss a blog...when did you guys get a dog??

Erin said...

No, we definitely did not get a dog! That's all I need to fracture what's left of my sanity. If there was a puppy peeing in my house I would totally loose it.
Emma is the new addition to the Letts family (Jessica & Don's dog). Jace spends time with her when they are both at Grandma Elaine's house.