Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cold Green Tomatoes

is what Jace ate out of the garden this afternoon. The sudden cold weather has us shivering tonight. They say we could wake up to snow! Poor Jace was going stir crazy today so we finally bundled him and let him go outside to play this evening. He "helped" Joel check our garden for ripe cherry tomatoes. We keep trying to teach him the difference between red ones and green ones but he just wants to pick them all. Tonight he discovered that he could hide behind the plants and pick as many green ones as he wanted.
See if you can spot him hiding back there.
I think he only ate one but who knows for sure. They have to be sour. Right?
As I ducked out the door headed for my class this evening, Joel was taking Jace back outside. He had to have a change of clothes after he sat on the strawberry plants and stained the butt of another outfit. I never did get the last strawberry stains removed completely. Jace was bundled in the cutest fuzzy jumper. He looked like a teddy bear with tennis shoes and no ears. I will definitely post a photo next time he wears it. I was almost in tears. So cute. So hilarious.
I came home after class to a quiet, tidy house. Jace was fed, bathed and tucked in. No offense to anyone else but I have the best husband. :)

Yep, that's a green tomato in his mouth. Ewww.

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