Jace was fighting a cold and had one tough night where he was stuffed up and crying. We spent part of the night watching the Muppet Show because it calmed him down. Jace finally fell asleep between Joel and I at the foot of the bed. He woke himself up in the morning by rolling over and getting stuck between the mattress and the foot board.
I didn't ski. Instead I enjoyed playing with Jace, visiting with Mom and Lea Ann and relaxing at the rented townhouse. The skiers reported that the mountain really needs more snow. Many runs were still closed and others were rocky. Lily had an unexpected crash that made us all thankful that she wears a ski helmet. All the skiers were tired and sore at the end of their adventures. In the evenings we all watched movies, played games and enjoyed lots of yummy food including our version of Grandma's pizza.
The ski weekend is a tradition that we love. Can't wait for the next time.

The group: back row - Lily, Andrew, Patrick, Joel front row - Erin, Lea Ann, Joy, Jace & Doug (Pete left before we took the photo.)
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