After our brief outing this morning Jace and I were super hungry. Lunch turned into a total fiasco. Jace stuffed a whole meatball in his mouth at once (even though we cut into nice little bite sized pieces). Then he screamed when Joel wouldn't give him another one until he tried some bites of the other food on his plate. He eventually did get more meatball but then he decided to throw his milk cup across the room for no apparent reason (right after he dipped it in his soup). The frustration level was pretty high. Then Joel tried to choke on his sandwich. Once he was OK and back at the table Jace started frantically pointing at Joel's PB&J sandwich and saying "please! please!". So Joel went to the kitchen to make Jace a sandwich with the almond butter. Meanwhile Jace turned to me and whispered that he was all done (he says all done like "allaaallaaallaaaall"). I told him NO that Daddy was making him a sandwich. When lunch was finally over we were relieved to move Jace upstairs for his nap.
Jace had other plans and refused to settle down and go to sleep. Joel put him in the crib and we listened while he played in the bed for a while. This is pretty normal so we figured eventually he would fall asleep. Instead we heard a huge BONK and then crying. Joel and I were both in his room in a instant. We have worried about him falling out of the crib since the day he first stood up in it but today he finally toppled out. We checked him all over and calmed him down. He was scared but otherwise fine.
Much later and after a very short nap Jace was more himself. He was playful at snack time gobbling up a whole container of coconut yogurt and then asking for a "tookie". This evening he was carrying around the remote control, trying to get us to turn on a movie for him. He absentmindedly put the remote in his mouth and when I took it away from him he did an amazing Macaulay Culkin impression, wide eyed, open mouthed yell slapping his hands to his cheeks. I fell over laughing it was so hilarious.
In the bath tonight Jace kept trying to drink the bath water. I got him a sippy cup of cool, drinking water. He thought it was a great game to dribble the cold water on his head, scream, laugh and shiver.

An "up" moment in our day: dancing on the bed with no pants on.
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