Sunday, May 23, 2010

Unhappy Mommy

Right now Jace is playing with my hair instead of napping.
When I put him down for his nap he cried for 45 minutes and climbed out of the crib 3 times. It was a similar story last night. It took a crib escape, an hour of crying (mostly Jace) and countless times laying him down in his bed before he finally fell asleep. At 2 a.m. he woke up, talked for several minutes then climbed out of bed and wandered down the hall. He spent the rest of the night in bed with us.
I am not happy with my 2 year old. Everyone here is tired and cranky.

1 comment:

The Twiss Family: Chad, Jamie, Braylon, Brynley & Rozzum said...

I know how you feel Erin, its such a hard stage to go through. Just a word of advice, its so easy for them to slip into the habit of taking over your bed. Bray comes into our room about 5am every morning (thankfully goes back to sleep), but we've started such a bad habit and have yet to break him of it. I just want my bed back!!! Anyways, have you thought about moving him into a toddler bed yet? You may try that. We moved the kids straight from the crib to twin beds at 21 months. Bryn was really easy, but Bray was really tough. There were nights we had to lock his door and let him scream. Such a miserable thing to listen to and lack of sleep is harsh, but they'll eventually get over it. Good luck and hang in there!