Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today Jace fell on the playground at school, got a minor scratch and showed off his Band-Aid for the rest of the day.

He came home to find Grandma and Papa visiting. He made popcorn for them.

He helped Mommy and Daddy do the grocery shopping and managed to slip an item past us into the cart. When we got home Joel asked if I had decided to purchase the Silly Band bracelets. No, I did not!

Jace learned what the little Jack-O-Lantern bucket was for. I taught him to say Trick-or-Treat and when he went to the kitchen and said it for Daddy he got some candy in the bucket. He was super excited. It should be a good Halloween.

Joel had the forethought to lock the bathroom door. Jace was surprised to find it locked and spent several minutes trying to unlock the door using various plastic toys as keys. The whole time Jace was reassuring Joel, "Unlock it Daddy." (like he would soon rescue him from the locked bathroom)

There were some overly dramatic tears when the Band-Aid came off.

It was a full day around here.

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