We visited Wray at the end of October. I was on fall break and corn harvest was in full swing. Jace had been excited about visiting "Grandad's house" for weeks.
We rolled into town on Friday evening just an hour before the Yuma vs. Wray football game. It was a beautiful evening for a ball game so we all walked to the field carrying our lawn chairs and Jace. At first Jace was excited about running up and down the big hill at the edge of the field. We all settled it to watch for a while. Then Wray scored and the cannon went off. Jace freaked out. He came running from where he was playing and jumped into Joel's lap. Then Wray scored the extra point and the cannon went off again. It's a little blurry but you can see Joel pointing to the firework going up. He is trying to explain.
On Sunday morning Jace woke up feverish and didn't feel like doing anything - not even play with Grandad!. He was sick off and on for much of the rest of the week. It was kind of a bummer for our vacation but at least we were able to take it easy.
He was feeling better by the time Halloween weekend rolled around.
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