Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow days

It's not that big of secret. Teachers love snow days just as much as kids do.
This is the second snow day in a row. I can't remember the last time that happened.
There is also not that much snow. It's just so cold that when you open the door to step outside, no matter how many layers you put on, your fingers and ears start to freeze. Then when you take in a breath of the air you start coughing. It's just that cold.
Jace and I have been keeping busy indoors. Our house is totally trashed. There are the remains of couch cushion forts in the living room, half finished baking projects in the kitchen and trails of laundry, matchbox cars and stuffed animals following us all over the house. Jace is napping now. Am I cleaning up? Of course not. I'm sipping hot coffee and waisting time online.
These pictures are actually from a few weeks ago. It is way to cold for Jace to help scoop snow this time but he did enjoy helping last time. Maybe I shouldn't post these. That binky really makes it look like a child labor issue.He is glaring because he doesn't love the camera. He really enjoys the work. Really!

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