Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter party

There is really not much in life better than the genuine excitement of a little boy finding the treats left for him while he slept on Easter morning. Our morning routine needed to start a little early today since the Easter church service was half an hour earlier than normal. We are pretty much always late and wanted to try to do better today. Jace practically jumped out of bed from a deep sleep at the whisper that the Easter bunny may have visited. He followed a trail of eggs down the stairs to find a small Easter basket waiting for him. Yes, he did have jelly beans before breakfast today.

At the 8 a.m. service Jace was the only kiddo in his classroom so he got lots of attention which I think he enjoyed.

At Gary and Elaine's house Jace was able to join the neighbor grand kids in their egg hunt and then take a nap before the Wyoming family arrived for dinner.

It was a fun day. Jace played cards and hunted eggs and chased imaginary monsters with all the cousins. He got lots of laughs with his repeated protests to being called Darling by Great Aunt Bonnie. Every time she said, "Oh, isn't he just darling." Jace would reply very clearly, "I not darling. I Jace Daniel Palmer."He got a little help from Daddy during the egg hunt.

Happy Easter everyone!

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