Joel is home tonight. His trip turned out to be mostly driving with just a few hours of actual work. Jace and I are still visiting in Wray. We had a very busy, fun day with my parents, aunt Lea Ann and Grandma & Grandpa Courtney.
Jace was up early and crawled all over the living room and kitchen. He took a nice nap this morning during which I had a hot shower (hotter than at home where our water heater is set to baby safe temp). We went to lunch at La Familia with Lea Ann. We chatted with lots of people. Jace ate his cheerios to fast, gagged a little and then pointed the finger of blame at Lea Ann who was innocently supplying him with the cheerios. (Literally, Jace pointed his finger right at her.) After lunch we went shopping. I got another cell phone. This is my third one in a month. I hope this one works. Grandma Joy got a cute giraffe toy for Jace at Grandma's Treasures. Then we headed to Courtney's house for dessert. We enjoyed the anniversary cake and tapioca pudding. Jace crawled all over their living room. We ended up visiting there for the rest of the day. Jace reorganized Grandma Courtney's book shelf, tore up some magazines and watched Laurence Welk with Grandpa Courtney. He even did a little dancing and clapping along with the show. Finally, at dinner, Jace blew out his diaper and had to have a bath in the sink. Everyone (especially Grandpa Courtney) was laughing. It was a full day. Jace was completely exhausted tonight.
Good thing Grandma Courtney has doors on the front of her cabinet full of interesting decorations.

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