Friday, February 27, 2009

Mommy's Friday

It feels like I had a lot of time for myself today. Joel is home for now and he did a lot of the Jace stuff today. They let me sleep in and enjoy a whole cup of coffee before it got cold. Then I had a dentist appointment so Joel babysat. It was suppose to be Jace's nap time but Jace had other plans. His newest skill is sitting up on his own. We first observed this new skill a few nights ago, in the middle of the night. (Sitting up in the crib is not conducive to sleeping!) Today, instead of napping, Joel found him sitting up and sniffling. It was pathetic enough to buy him a little extra play time with Dad before he finally gave up and took a nap. My dentist appointment was a bummer. I have to go back in a few weeks for a filling.

This afternoon was a baby shower for Ms. Amanda (the psychologist from the preschool). It was really fun to take Jace and socialize with everyone there. We had our usual Friday dinner with Gary and Elaine at Amigos then hurried home to get Jace his bath and tuck him in. It was a nice day.Jace loves the bath.

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