Wednesday, May 6, 2009

bye-bye Da - day 3

This used to be my favorite time of the year. These warm May days have always represented the ending of the school year, the promise of long summer evenings, lots of great stuff to look forward to. This year I'm just grumpy. Today the warm weather felt too hot, too early. I'm dreading trying to keep the house cool enough to maintain Jace's precious sleep schedule. His room is the hottest one in the house and our HOA (I've mentioned before how much I hate them) has a rule against air conditioning units in front windows. I think we will be breaking that rule this summer. The long daylight hours make it tough to put Jace to bed at 8. I am putting black out curtains on my wish list for his room. I can not stress enough how much I love the predictable sleep schedule. Finally, something in the air today triggered flashbacks and brought about vivid memories of last year at this time. I was so pregnant and so uncomfortable. Yikes, I'm glad we are not there right now.
I'm grumpy but Jace is great. His climbing skills earned him two crashes today. I've been so worried about teaching him how to go down the stairs. I didn't realize that what we really needed to work on was how not to fall off the couch. I was sitting right next to him watching when he tumbled. There was a loud thump. I didn't breath for several seconds. He looked at me, sat up, and crawled away to go play on the other side of the room. He didn't cry at all. He didn't even seem phased. He also didn't climb on the couch again today. However, he repeated the show at Palmer's house this evening. This time climbing on to a footstool then tumbling off the other side. Grandma and Grandpa Palmer were horrified. This time Jace cried and we made up an ice pack for the back of his head. We couldn't find a bump or even a red spot on his head where he fell. He calmed down pretty quickly. I think he was mostly scared. I hate when he falls but I suppose this is just the beginning.
We got a message from the pediatrician that Jace's blood work came back totally normal! I'm not sure what to think because that still leaves 2 out of 3 blood tests with low counts. For now, I'm going to relax. We will have a chance to talk with the Dr. at his 1 year appointment in a few weeks.
Elaine and I took Jace for a walk this afternoon to another park. It was warmer than I would have liked but the walk felt good. Jace loved exploring the different park. He especially liked the abacus. He stood there moving the balls back and forth for 10 minutes at least. He was so focused. Once in a while he would say "ba" as he moved a ball. It was fun to watch.

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