Thursday, May 28, 2009

traveling - day 2

Where's Winks? That was my first question for Jace this morning. When I went to get him up I peeked in the crib and did not see the little stuffed elephant, Winks. I turned my back for a couple seconds to open the blinds and when I looked back, Jace was standing in the crib, holding up Winks. I laughed and rewarded the little genius with a shower of morning breath kisses. It is so amazing when he demonstrates comprehension like that! I know he understands lots of what I say but it is rarely so obvious.
Nap time did not happen this morning. There were tears and yucky boogers. Instead we spent the morning planting flowers. Jace loved being outside. He stayed busy with all the rocks, sticks, dirt and plants that I would let him play with. I strategically inserted the Binky in his mouth to cut down on the risk of him tasting everything outside. The plan worked. I had all the planting done before he spit out the pacifier in the dirt. By the time we got cleaned up and had some lunch Jace was so tired he did not put up a fight about napping.
His afternoon nap worried me a little because I wasn't sure he would be ready for bedtime. I decided a trip to the swimming pool this evening would help wear him out. We had not been swimming since our class ended over a month ago. It was great fun. The pool was not busy at all and when they did a 10 minute "adult swim" we were practically the only ones in the pool. Jace was fascinated with the huge fountains that spray water into the play area of the pool. These had not been running when we were there before. He would point up at them and say,"oooooooooooooooooo". Yes Jace, they are cool. However, he did not want to get very close to them. After 30 minutes in the pool Jace was shivering and his lips were eggplant colored. The poor kid has no fat on him. We took a warm shower and headed home.
At dinner we shared some watermelon and BK french fries. Jace enjoyed both. We listened to the neighbor's barking dogs and had a nice conversation that went something like this:
Jace - "Do" (sounds like Dog with no G sound)
Me - "yes, Dog"
Jace - "Do"
Me - "Dog says Woof"
Jace - "woo"
Me - "Yep, Dog"
You get the idea. I've never liked those dumb dogs until now. (Still don't want them barking at 6 a.m.)

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