Thursday, October 8, 2009

Zoo trip - Thurs. Oct. 1

The Zoo has so many great programs for families. We signed up for the family book club. It is a 45 minute group for kids 5 and under with their parents. We listened to a story, Bear's new friend. Made a cute craft, a owl shaped magnet with glitter and feathers glued on. It is Jace's first art project that we can display on the refrigerator. The best part of the group is that they bring in animals for the kids to see. We got to see a barn owl up close and pet a hedgehog. We had a great time and can't wait to sign up for the next family book club.
The day was extra special because Joel had the day off and was able to go with us. After the book club was finished we stayed and toured more of the zoo. We saw the elephants being put through their daily exercises. Jace does a great elephant sound.
We let Jace out of the stroller and he tried to leave with a group of preschool kids. He just walked over to them, said Hi, followed along with them when they started moving. I had to pick him up and bring him back.
We had lunch across from the sea lion enclosure. Jace fed a huge chunk of his chicken nugget to one of the peacocks that roam around. When we were leaving the zoo, we spotted two birds watching us from behind the glass. Jace was eye to eye with them from his seat in the stroller. They made the coolest, throaty sounds and pecked at the glass near Jace's feet. Jace thought it was hilarious.

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