Sunday, November 14, 2010
Helper in the kitchen
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Things you don't want to hear at dinner
While we were enjoying a yummy dinner of mango, pistachio rice Jace decided to poke a pistachio up his nose! Aghhhh!
3 days of Halloween - Sunday Boo at the Zoo
3 days of Halloween - Saturday pumpkin carving
3 days of Halloween - Friday night party
Frightening fireworks and fall break fever
On Sunday morning Jace woke up feverish and didn't feel like doing anything - not even play with Grandad!. He was sick off and on for much of the rest of the week. It was kind of a bummer for our vacation but at least we were able to take it easy.
He was feeling better by the time Halloween weekend rolled around.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
a painful lesson
After half an hour of tears and talking, ice and Tylenol, sitting on Mommy's lap watching a favorite movie, Jace summed up what he had learned, "Bug. No touch it. Bite you."
That's Jace's version of "If you find a bee on the floor, don't touch it because it will really, really hurt."
Friday, October 8, 2010
overheard at breakfast
Indeed, he had spilled the juice and he was sitting in it.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Awesome Autumn Weekend

Thursday, September 30, 2010
He came home to find Grandma and Papa visiting. He made popcorn for them.
He helped Mommy and Daddy do the grocery shopping and managed to slip an item past us into the cart. When we got home Joel asked if I had decided to purchase the Silly Band bracelets. No, I did not!
Jace learned what the little Jack-O-Lantern bucket was for. I taught him to say Trick-or-Treat and when he went to the kitchen and said it for Daddy he got some candy in the bucket. He was super excited. It should be a good Halloween.
Joel had the forethought to lock the bathroom door. Jace was surprised to find it locked and spent several minutes trying to unlock the door using various plastic toys as keys. The whole time Jace was reassuring Joel, "Unlock it Daddy." (like he would soon rescue him from the locked bathroom)
There were some overly dramatic tears when the Band-Aid came off.
It was a full day around here.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Grandad's House
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
long day
Daily Jace (from what I saw): The first thing he did when he got home from Grandma and Papa's house today was take off his tennis shoes by himself and ask me to help him put on his new boots. He really loves his new boots. They look so big on him. I can't believe how big his feet are.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Locked out

He was excited because he figured out how to work the voice recorder in the car and could play back his silly noises.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
a hot day in September
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Outdoor artists
After these adorable photos, Jace decided to paint a purple glob on Dylan's carefully planned masterpiece and the whole scene ended in tears (Jace) and a speedy clean up.
I'd do it all again just for these few peaceful moments of artists at work.
Wray Daze
Gary and Elaine and Aaron all joined us this year. Elaine, still in the cast from her ankle surgery, braved the weekend with her scooter.

Joel and Jace wave to the tractor.
Jace and Grandad watching the duck race.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Play Ball
I have lots of cool photos to post from the last few weeks. Unfortunately, I've taken so many digital photos over the last few years that I have completely filled the hard drive. I keep getting "critical error" messages and Joel keeps reminding me that he got me a back up storage disk for my photos. I guess I have to spend a little time cleaning out the old stuff before I can edit and post anything new. Hopefully, I can get that done in the next few days, before I start back to work.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
NOT safe in the backyard
He solved my problem for me. He sprayed himself in the face several times, became frustrated, dropped the hose and turned the faucet off all by himself.
That means he knows how to turn the hose on all by himself. Therefore, it is not safe in the backyard (if you want to stay dry).
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A Saturday in Boulder

Patrick introduced Jace to the joys of sword fighting in the living room.
Dylan & Taylor come for a visit

One of Jace's new moves was figuring out how to deflect the spray right at me.
I love the little girl in this photo. I generally try not to post photos with people we don't know in them but I thought this girl's total spray ground enthusiasm deserved an exception.
Monday, July 19, 2010
beating the heat at the sprayground
When we returned to Palmer's house, where we were spending the night because Gary was out of town traveling, the power went out. Dinner was a little crazy as we hunted for flashlights and tried to figure out what to fix with no microwave or stove. Joel found the camp stove and cooked some hot dogs. The power, thankfully, came back on before Jace went to bed so at least his room had air conditioning. Joel and I ended the evening with a trip to Baskin Robbins. Ice Cream is the cherry on top of any summer day.
New Fence

Jace helped Papa Gary remove some hardware from the old fence.
Then he pouted when it was time to put the tools away.