I'm trying to be a quiet as possible while I wait for Jace to settle down and take a nap. We had a busy morning. We visited Joel and Gary at the SRA ski show at the Convention Center. They have been there this week with a booth set up. It is a show for retailers to come and check out the products. It was cool to see all the other booths. Jace loved running all over the huge space. He yelled for Papa to follow him as he made his rounds. When he returned to our booth he had several stickers that other vendors had given him stuck to his jacket. He made friends with a little girl (probably about 5 years old) who was cruising around on roller skates. When I say he made friends I mean he watched her for a while then started following her around and then finally got what he really wanted when she sat down on the floor and let him touch the wheels of her skates. Jace was super tired when we left the show but managed to stay awake until we were half a mile from home. I woke him up so that we could have lunch then tried to put him down for his normal afternoon nap. He has been talking, dancing and throwing things out of the crib for half an hour now. I really need him to rest so that I can start packing for tomorrow but until I know he is asleep I'm afraid to make any noise. So here I am, trapped at the computer.
While I'm here I'll post a couple photos from the last few days.

Monday nights at Palmer's house are always fun. Our Dancing with the Stars nights have turned into Dancing with Jace nights. Jace dances to "round" (Right Round by Flo Rida) every night as part of his bed time routine. Monday, Janae and Alyssa joined in and taught Jace some new moves.

Saturday we spent the morning running errands to get ready for our trip. We bought a new, smaller, collapsible stroller and a portable DVD player. We are hoping that both items will make traveling with the little man more enjoyable. We took the Jeep out on our shopping trip because the car seat was already in it and Jace loves to ride in the Jeep. The stroller in its box barely fit in the Jeep. Jace also had a couple of temper tantrums when we wouldn't let him drive and instead insisted on strapping him into his car seat. He was in tears in the back seat yelling "drive" and "wheel" over and over again. When we got home we let him play in the driver's seat. I think from the photo it is pretty clear why we don't want him driving anytime soon.
Sounds like he's sleeping. I better get moving.
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