Sunday, March 21, 2010

visiting Dan & Becky day 4

We have been home from Orlando for almost two weeks now. Dan and Becky have been busy hosting other guests but I think, mentally, I'm still on the beach. It has been hard to get motivated to sit down and write about what we are doing now. Every time I look at the beach pictures I loose focus.
We spent the last full day of our Orlando vacation in a search for "Mouse" as Jace calls Mickey Mouse. We got a late start on our day because of the late Oscar night. The day at Animal Kingdom was fun. With Dan and Becky in Orlando, Joel and I have gotten Disney savvy over the last few years but I am continually amazed by the crowds. There are so many visitors in the parks (and Magic Kingdom is always the busiest of the 4 parks). Weaving our way through the sea of people and strollers we were able to take in a few of the park's highlights. We toured the Dinosaur dig site playground, saw a live bird show, rode the train, watched Jace chase the back end of a goat, saw lots of exotic animals while Jace napped in the stroller, enjoyed a Nemo stage show and parked Jace front-and-center for the parade. I think we did pretty well.
Jace napped in the stroller the whole time we were camped out at the edge of the parade route. When the parade started the noise woke him. He was starting to fuss and be grumpy, then he opened his eyes. "Ohhhh", he perked up when he saw the first of the dancers and floats. He spent the parade wide eyed and waving, especially at "Mouse".

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