It was a weird 4th for us this year. Often, we enjoy the weekend in Wray but we had been there the last two weekends. We felt like enjoying a weekend at home but that left us with no plans for celebrating. It ended up being a really fun day.
Chris M. invited us to the zoo. The girls in his family were gone visiting Deanna's parents. Chris and Cole were on their own for a few days. The morning was cool and humid. It was the best zoo day. The animals were active and the crowds were small. The boys had a great time and were both exhausted by the time we left at 12:30.

Jace didn't get much of a nap because he slept in the car but didn't make the transition to his bed. We were glad that we had already decided not to worry about seeing fireworks this year. We were planning to attend a backyard barbecue at the home of some sailing friends. They have invited us every year for as long as we have known them but we have always had other plans. Half an hour before we left for the party, the sky opened up. It rained and rained. Jace is still nervous about thunder. He calms down if he can watch the storm so we have spent several rain storms sitting under the cover of our front porch. Today, the rain was so heavy that you couldn't sit on the porch without getting wet. Jace stood in the doorway watching.

We did end up going to the barbecue. It was great to see lots of sailors that we hadn't seen for a while. It was very wet. It rained off and on. I chased Jace round and round the yard mostly trying to keep him from falling in their little goldfish pond. We left when Jace started to get wild and were glad to be driving home when the rain started coming down in sheets again.
We listened to some of our neighbors attempts at fireworks in the rain while we were snuggled into bed, happy for the cool, wet evening.
Happy Independence Day.

Chris and Cole on the Carousel. Jace got nervous on the Carousel ride and was very glad when it was over. He preferred the train.

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