Friday, July 9, 2010

June. What happened to June?

There is just no way to account for all the time that has flown by.
Of course we are busy, everyone is busy.
Our sleep habits have suffered disruption with Jace making a sudden change to a "big boy bed". Joel and I felt a little like the rug was pulled out from under us. It seemed like one night Jace was sleeping, peacefully in his crib and the next night he would not stay in it. Our whole routine changed.
Jace seems to like his new bed but it has definitely taken some getting used to, for all of us.
Lots of times, if Jace woke up in the night, we would find him curled up in the chair.

Daddy lost out the most when Jace ended up in our bed. There is just not room for three people when one of them insists on sleeping across the pillows.

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