Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chalk Art Festival

Our summer calender is filling up with fun weekend events. Today we strolled around the Chalk Art Festival at Larimer square and enjoyed a picnic next to the creek. We were downtown before noon today so the artists were all just getting started on their temporary masterpieces. The weather was perfect, warm with some clouds, and the streets were not crowded. I wish we could make it back tomorrow to see all the finished pieces. I hope it is not raining on them tonight. I also hope that Jace will not hear any of the thunder that I can hear in the distance.
Our picnic lunch was fun. We found a shaded spot next to a fountain. Jace was snacking and splashing. It was a great summer activity.
Tonight was not as pleasant. After Jace's nap we went to the garden center to pick up a few plants to fill in our garden. Jace was energetic, running up and down the flower aisles, picking up plants and greeting customers like he owned the place. Joel and I were relieved when our shopping was done. Jace pinched his finger in the car seat buckle and suddenly it was like the world was ending. The crying and screaming continued later at dinner when the injured finger kept getting food on it. We finally found a solution after his bath, Joel remembered some "second skin" bandage samples and was able to cover the scrape on Jace's finger.
Hopefully, we will all get a good night sleep and be ready for more adventures tomorrow.
I am totally amazed by the talent we witnessed today. This is just one of hundreds of images on the asphalt that was only partially complete at noon today and will be erased completely tomorrow evening. (If not sooner - Rain, rain, go away. Come again on Monday.)

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