Monday, June 29, 2009
full day

He was walking everywhere today. He is getting so good at it. He just stands up and walks.
It makes me laugh that I can't even take a picture of him that isn't blurred. He is just always moving.
This afternoon was very warm. Grandma Elaine got out a tub and filled it with water and toys. Jace was thrilled. I barely got his clothes off before he was sitting in the water. After a few minutes of splashing in the tub his diaper had swelled to an unbelievable size. I think that diaper soaked up a gallon of water.

When Aunt Jessica, Uncle Don and the cousins arrived for dinner they were very impressed with how much walking Jace was doing. Jace was already pretty tired. Somehow he found the energy to chase Emma, the Letts family's new miniature Australian Shepard puppy, all over the deck.

Joel and Tim are still in Angel Fire working. It rained on them again today and Joel said that it was cold there this evening. They will work all day tomorrow before making the drive home.
Can't wait to have some time at home together.

Sunday, June 28, 2009
catching up
A few days without Internet put me way behind and not sure how to catch up on the blog entries. It is already late tonight so I'll just post a few photos.
Joel and Jace on their way back to the condo (in background) after dinner. The streets were still wet the rain that afternoon.
We did a little exploring in the canyon near Eagle's Nest, NM. This was a cool spot where the stream ran through a fallen log. Jace could have played in the water and rocks all day. He cried when it was time to get back in the car.
Today was my first time babysitting in the infant room at church during the service. There were only 3 babies (including Jace) and one other adult so it went well. Jace and I took a walk with Grandma Elaine this afternoon. Jace walked part of the way and helped push his own stroller. The photo was taken tonight at the church where we attended a BBQ and 4th of July music presentation. Jace and I didn't stay for much of the music because he was tired and needed to get home to bed.
This week Jace has made huge progress walking. He can go all over by himself. I get a kick out of how he holds his arms up to help balance.
We made it back home yesterday. Joel has a couple more days of work before he can be home for a long 4th of July holiday.
This week Jace has made huge progress walking. He can go all over by himself. I get a kick out of how he holds his arms up to help balance.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
traveling together - day 3
It is raining tonight. The peaceful sound and smell of mountain rain is just outside the open window. Jace is tucked in after a full day. Joel is watching a movie and I am wishing I was closer to being ready to go to bed.
Today Jace and I spent more time outside. We went to the playground. Jace wants to socialize. He said Hi to everyone he saw as we walked across the playground. He tried out a big slide but got nervous and ended up clutching the side of it all the way down. He didn't want to do it a second time.
At snack time Jace was so excited about the vanilla yogurt (coconut milk) and animal crackers. He took the spoon from me and fed himself several bites. Then he "painted" yogurt on his animal crackers before he ate them.
We all went out for pizza tonight. At the restaurant Jace was tired and wound up. He threw everything on the floor: the menu, the crayons, the coloring book, his food. Joel and I took turns walking him around outside while the other ate their dinner. He calmed down some and played outside for a bit this evening before his bath and bedtime.
Exploring and ignoring both his parents.
Going for a walk instead of sitting at dinner. In the background is Angel Fire ski resort.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
traveling together - day 2
Today was much like a day at home for Jace and I. The pleasant exception is that when Joel is done with work we have some time together. Angel Fire is pretty.
Jace and I went for a short walk this afternoon. We met Joel and Tim at a Deli for lunch. We did some grocery shopping. We sat in the car waiting for a sudden, heavy rain shower to pass before we could unload the groceries. After work Joel took Jace and I to a cute park. Jace loved the swing.
Tonight I am catching up on my blog entries. It was tough to get the Internet connection that I take for granted at home. I can't believe how cut off I feel when I can't log on at least once a day.
Jace and I went for a short walk this afternoon. We met Joel and Tim at a Deli for lunch. We did some grocery shopping. We sat in the car waiting for a sudden, heavy rain shower to pass before we could unload the groceries. After work Joel took Jace and I to a cute park. Jace loved the swing.
Tonight I am catching up on my blog entries. It was tough to get the Internet connection that I take for granted at home. I can't believe how cut off I feel when I can't log on at least once a day.
After breakfast Jace watched a few minutes of cartoons with his Baby Tad.
traveling together - day 1
Jace was so much better so we decided to go for it. We packed the car and made the trip to Angel Fire, NM with Joel. I was nervous about the drive (4 hours without stops). I wasn't sure how Jace would do and how much longer the drive would be with the stops that Jace needed.
It went well. Jace was ready for a nap when we got started just before noon. However, once we got on the road I was surprised that he did not fall asleep. He was talking and playing until just outside Monument. Then he started screaming and was only comforted when I would reach over my seat and hold his hand. This was not safe or comfortable for me so we stopped. Jace walked around and got some animal crackers then I rode in the back seat with him.
Tim is great with Jace. He is so used to spending time with his nephew (Javin is almost 2). Jace loves the attention and was thrilled when Tim let him play on the computer.

We stopped at Pueblo for lunch with Tim (who was driving the equipment truck). At the restaurant Jace made friends with an adorable 3 year old girl at the next table who introduced herself as a princess. She held his hand and walked him around after they both finished lunch. This was adorable but problematic because they could not agree on a speed or direction.
After lunch Jace fell asleep in the car and napped most of the rest of the way to NM. It was as good a trip as we could have asked for. We are all (Tim, Joel, Jace and I) staying in a condo in Angel Fire. The accommodations are very comfortable with 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bath and a kitchen. It is nice to be together.

Father's Day
It will be remembered as screaming diaper rash day. Poor Jace decided earlier in the week that he didn't want baby food anymore. We fought with him but he spent 3 days on a diet consisting of mostly watermelon and coconut milk yogurt (we offered lots of choices but those were the 2 things he ate). In retrospect that was a big mistake. Both foods are diuretics.
Joel spent his second Father's day nursing a crabby baby with a sore bottom. It was a bummer. The one fun thing I will remember about the day was Jace in his little T-shirt and saggy cloth diaper. He looked so pathetic and yet so cute.
Happy Father's Day to the Love of my Life. These are the days that prove your an amazing Father.

Story time at the end of a long day. Jace was feeling much better by the end of the day.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
in the garden
It is fantastic to have Joel home this week. Today he worked on some baby proofing around the house and I got some cleaning done. Jace went for a run with Joel this morning and played in the backyard this evening. He was cranky and super tired tonight. We tucked him in early.
He is pruning the mint that grows at the edge of our patio. It is the only plant that I let him pick so he gets very excited and pulls chunks of it off. It makes him happy (and he smells minty fresh).
Getting a drink from the hose.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
He's fine! It just looks bad.
There are a lot of "firsts" in our lives as first time parents. Tonight was the first trip to the ER. It seems that brand new walking skills come with inherent dangers. Jace tried walking across the concrete porch with his hands full and he toppled forward. He is going to have an amazing knot on his forehead for a few days. We were scared and figured it was better to be safe so we took him to the ER. The doctor checked him over and assured us that as long as we didn't see any more severe symptoms than the bump he would be OK. He acted totally normal for the rest of the evening. I hope we don't have to do that again.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Parker Fair
Surprise! Joel is home from NM. The company's computer network was having problems and preventing the exchange of job info that Joel and Tim needed. The problem was not going to be fixed over the weekend so the guys got to come home. We have no idea what to expect next week but for now it is great to spend the weekend together.
It was a fun Saturday. Joel made us waffles for breakfast. Jace took a good nap. Then the boys went for a run. Jace did well in the running stroller. This afternoon we drove to Parker to check out the annual fair. The weather looked threatening. The wind was blowing and stirring up the sawdust that was spread around the carnival rides. There were so many sights and sounds that Jace was almost frantic looking all around. He pointed out rides and kids and dogs. He bounced on Joel's shoulders in time to the music as we passed different booths.
He seemed particularly interested in the Ferris-wheel that towered above everything else. We waited in line with lots of other families with little kids. When it was our turn to ride Jace was wiggling all over Joel's lap. He kept trying to pull himself up to get a better look out of the basket. Moments before we got off the Ferris-wheel it started raining. There was even a few seconds of hail. We found shelter under a tree (luckily there was no lightning). It rained for 5 or 10 minutes then started to clear. The rain thinned the crowds and settled the dust. It was pleasant. We made our way leisurely back to car. We stopped to enjoy a funnel cake (because Jace's first experience with a carnival had to include junk food). It was a nice summer Saturday.

Thursday, June 11, 2009
more travel - day 2
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
more travel - day 1
Joel is in Angel Fire again tonight. We had a busy, fun time with him home.
Tonight he would only let me feed him the last of the baby food if he could feel what was in the jar. It was adorable for about 30 seconds. Then he rubbed the green beans in his hair. He is enjoying feeding himself finger foods. He can even stab bites with a fork sometimes. The result is that he is less tolerant of being fed the liquid baby foods.
Playing under the table after dinner. He is waiting for me to chase him. Or possibly planning his next attack. He has been working on his wrestling moves with Da (his version of Dad). He does a hilarious body slam. He rears back on his knees with both arms up then throws himself across Joel's back. I hope I can get it on video soon.
We visited a nearby park with a "sprayground". Jace loved it so much we will definitely be going back soon. It was the end of the year picnic for Meadow Point preschool. I can't believe that the year has gone by so quickly. It was great to see my coworkers and some of the kids that I knew.
We did a little shopping and got Jace some new, much needed, pajamas. His old ones are so dingy from all the grease we put on him at night to control the eczema. The new ones are bright, citrus striped fun. He is great to read to now. He gets excited about some of the pictures and sits attentively for a few minutes.
Playing under the table after dinner. He is waiting for me to chase him. Or possibly planning his next attack. He has been working on his wrestling moves with Da (his version of Dad). He does a hilarious body slam. He rears back on his knees with both arms up then throws himself across Joel's back. I hope I can get it on video soon.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
traveling - day 8
Our drive was good. Jace slept from Wray to Hudson. I decided to stop and have a little lunch instead of pushing through and risking a melt down. That was a great decision. That little break makes a big difference in the tension level when we get home.
Jace seemed pleased to be home. He played in the rocks next to the house while I unpacked. The weather was perfect. Our neighborhood looked as good as it ever does. The grass is green after the rain. I decided to sit outside for a bit while Jace was entertained. I thought I could finish the last couple pages of the book I am reading. I read one paragraph before I looked up to see Jace picking the newly planted flowers. "No, no, Jace." He looked up, holding the already plucked flower then tried to put it back on the plant.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
traveling - day 7
Rain. Rain. Rain. The priceless view out my parent's front window was softened by a curtain of rain most of the day. Grandpa Doug came home because it was to wet to do much else. It was a good day to play inside.
Jace left a trail of items as he traveled from room to room. There are toys in the living room, squirt guns and stuffed birds in the bathroom and pots and pans all over the kitchen. When he tired of the destruction here we packed him up and drove to Grandma and Papa Courtney's house. Upon our arrival we started moving furniture. The fountain went behind the couch, the toy box came off the porch and into the middle of the living room and the dishwasher moved in front of the stairway. It seems that nowhere is safe from Jace's influence.

Grandma made a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. Jace slurped the noodles. After dinner Jace hijacked Papa's Model-A (the small walker) and pushed it all over the living room. It was lots of fun.
I hope he sleeps OK tonight. Last night I think his teeth were bothering him. He was awake in the night. Sleep tight little monkey.

I was so surprised when he took a moment to "pose" for me I almost didn't get the picture (and it turned out a little fuzzy).
Monday, June 1, 2009
traveling - day 6
The phone rang in the house this morning at 5:30 a.m.. I am apparently the only one who did not hear it because Mom, Dad and Jace were all awakened. I didn't know why Jace was making noise in the crib that early but I pretended not to hear him. I lay in the bed completely motionless hoping that he would not notice me. I knew if he spotted me moving he would cry and want to be picked up. After several minutes of him talking to himself, bouncing in the crib and tapping on the nearby closet doors he did lay down and go back to sleep. He and I then slept in until 8! It was great.
The rest of our day was also pleasant. It was overcast today. Still warm but the clouds made it nice. Jace ate a 1/4 slice of watermelon with his breakfast. (That made for an interesting diaper this evening.) Mom, Jace and I made a morning trip to the grocery store. We visited with several people there and had to backtrack a couple times to get everything on the list. Jace was spaced out and tired by the time we were back at home. While he napped Mom and I had lunch and time to talk.

This afternoon we did a little shopping on Main street. Jace rarely spits up anymore but decided to spew once we were inside Leigh floral. Mom took the worst of the mess but Fritz had to bring me a paper towel to clean up a little spot on the floor. It was embarrassing but at least he didn't hit any of the beautiful, expensive items in the store.
This evening we just enjoyed some quiet time at home. Jace played contentedly by himself for a long time.
My Dad tied a turtle pull toy to the large plastic tub that Jace likes to push around the living room. Now when Jace pushes it the little turtle chases along behind him.....Ding...Ding....Ding. We can hear him wherever he goes.

Jace ate a ton at dinner. After he finished the jar of Corn and Sweet potato baby food he ate 1/2 a hamburger patty and bits of cherry and a dill pickle chip. I'm a little worried about what all that will do to the diaper.
The air conditioning turned on and Jace started cooling his toes over the vent.

When Grandma Joy took his hands to steer him out of the fridge he started walking up the drawers inside.
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