Tuesday, June 23, 2009

traveling together - day 2

Today was much like a day at home for Jace and I. The pleasant exception is that when Joel is done with work we have some time together. Angel Fire is pretty.

Jace and I went for a short walk this afternoon. We met Joel and Tim at a Deli for lunch. We did some grocery shopping. We sat in the car waiting for a sudden, heavy rain shower to pass before we could unload the groceries. After work Joel took Jace and I to a cute park. Jace loved the swing.
Tonight I am catching up on my blog entries. It was tough to get the Internet connection that I take for granted at home. I can't believe how cut off I feel when I can't log on at least once a day.
After breakfast Jace watched a few minutes of cartoons with his Baby Tad.

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