Rain. Rain. Rain. The priceless view out my parent's front window was softened by a curtain of rain most of the day. Grandpa Doug came home because it was to wet to do much else. It was a good day to play inside.

Jace left a trail of items as he traveled from room to room. There are toys in the living room, squirt guns and stuffed birds in the bathroom and pots and pans all over the kitchen. When he tired of the destruction here we packed him up and drove to Grandma and Papa Courtney's house. Upon our arrival we started moving furniture. The fountain went behind the couch, the toy box came off the porch and into the middle of the living room and the dishwasher moved in front of the stairway. It seems that nowhere is safe from Jace's influence.
Grandma made a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. Jace slurped the noodles. After dinner Jace hijacked Papa's Model-A (the small walker) and pushed it all over the living room. It was lots of fun.
I hope he sleeps OK tonight. Last night I think his teeth were bothering him. He was awake in the night. Sleep tight little monkey.

I was so surprised when he took a moment to "pose" for me I almost didn't get the picture (and it turned out a little fuzzy).
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