Thursday, August 27, 2009

catch up

Wow, it has been a while since I posted. We have stayed busy. Joel was home for a week and a half. That was great. At the end of each day I was just to tired to sit down and try to write anything cohesive.
Here are some catch up photos:
We wished farewell to Jim and Gail (Aunt Debbie's brother and his wife) at a party at their 101 year old home near Old South Pearl St. in Denver. They are relocating to California.
Jace spent the evening running up and down the sidewalks and wrestling two Golden Retrievers (trained therapy dogs so they were really tolerant).
We spent a terrific evening in Boulder at the Pearl Street Mall with Lea Ann, Pete and Patrick. Jace played on the statues, explored the wind-up toys in the toy store and devoured most of a burrito at dinner.
Pete, Jace and Patrick at the Into the Wind toy store.
Jace spent lots of time playing at Grandma and Grandpa Palmer's house. He would spend every waking minute outside if he could. Joel sized one of his hats way down so that Jace could try it on. Amazingly, he kept it on for a long time.
Some other note worthy stuff:
I worked a couple of days of student check-in at Cherry Creek High School. We were finally able to watch on of Janet's softball games. Joel and I left Jace at Palmer's house and enjoyed a Friday night Rockies game with Janet and Aaron. I started taking some Early Childhood Education classes at the local community college. Our crazy summer is just transforming into a crazy fall.

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