Jace had a tough night. He never really woke up but I could hear him moving around and fussing a few times in the night. This morning he started whining very early. When I checked on him he seemed to be sleeping but he just couldn't get quiet for more than a few minutes. When I decided to wake him up I discovered the very stinky reason that he was uncomfortable. Yuck. Poor guy is definitely fighting a virus. Today his nose was a leaky faucet. He was tired and clingy this morning. He didn't want to take out the Binky even when he would sneeze and snot would glop over the pacifier. Yuck, yuck, yuck.
We took it easy this morning and he went down for an early nap. I was bummed cause we missed the church picnic that was the reason we came back to Denver yesterday. Jace took a nice long, peaceful nap and seemed to feel better this afternoon. His nose didn't stop drip, drip, dripping but he was otherwise OK.
Tonight his bath time was fun. We splashed and played. He was easy to put to bed tonight. He fell asleep in my arms right after the light went out. Sleep tight little man.

Chasing a bug.
1 comment:
I think that nose stuff is going around, Bryn had it for over a week, constant runny nose, I'm so glad its over with and hopefully Jace's will go away soon too!
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