This morning I read Jace the tractor board book 3 times. He re purposed the kitchen trash can into a foot stool (very handy for reaching things your Mom puts out of reach). We spent the afternoon at Palmer's house. Jace didn't want to go inside so we mostly played in the courtyard. When we did make him go in the house he read books and played with Grandma Elaine. We enjoyed our usual Friday evening dinner at Amigos. Jace does a great job eating a taco (without cheese). Jace discovered that he could watch cartoons on the video screen in Palmer's van. Tonight when we got home Jace saw the 3 year old neighbor boy outside and was very sad that I wouldn't let him play.
Joel worked in Atlanta this morning and then spent most of the day in the airport waiting for his flight. He made it to Dallas late tonight and will work through the weekend. He is definitely making up some hours. It is just a bummer that he has to be so far away. We miss him.

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