night we had a great time visiting the Marsik family. Jace was a little nervous when we first got there. He took some time to get used to the older boys. Once he got comfortable, he was all over the place. Jayden and Sage built a cool train track all around the living room. Jace crawled all over it and chewed on the little pieces. LaRae made us a yummy dinner. Joel and Jayden played nerf dart tag. Sage was the referee/enforcer. He promised to shoot any rule breakers with his nerf dart gun. Jace got to explore the new place and different toys. He had so much fun and fell right to sleep in the car on the way home. We can't wait to visit again soon.
Today Joel got home early and starts a long weekend before he travels next week. We have lots of things to do before he leaves but it was nice to just relax a little today. The cool, rainy weather inspired me to bake some oatmeal cookies. This evening Joel and Jace enjoyed the swimming lesson.
It looks like snow is coming.
I hope Jace sleeps through the night.
Jace got noodles all over his face at dinner tonight.
Joel creates sculpture using bath toys.
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