Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dad's in NM - day 2

I used to love spring days when you notice the daylight hours getting longer. This year I'm dreading it. Jace has slowly been going to bed later and waking up earlier. I keep staying up too late doing stuff like cleaning up the kitchen and playing on the computer. In the morning I am not as bright eyed as he is.

Today: I finally got the evites out for Jace's birthday next month. We had our last swim class. We made a trip to Babies R Us for diapers. Jace figured out he could walk around the house by sliding the box of diapers ahead of himself. Joel had a long day fighting with rented equipment.

I'm going to try to get to bed before 11.

Good Night.

Today's photos: He was excited about the big box of diapers even before he figured out how to use it to walk around.

He may be to big for the baby swing.

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