Monday, April 20, 2009

Dad's in NM - day 1

Joel left very early this morning for NM. He and Sage flew down because the truck is already there. This means that all 3 of the Denver office survey guys are currently working for the NM office. This arrangement stinks. There does not seem to be any hope of jobs in Colorado any time soon, not because there is no survey work to be found in CO but because it is no one's job in the whole company to go out and find work in CO. Does this sound stupid to anyone else?
Anyway, Jace and I had a normal Monday. I got tickled with Jace this afternoon. He was playing under the kitchen table and got himself stuck. He crawled under the chair and could not maneuver back out. He wiggled around and then looked at me like it was my fault. He was so mad. He frowned and yelled at me. I thought I was really nice because I resisted my first instinct to get the camera before helping him out. He recovered quickly and at Palmer's house he crawled under Grandma Elaine's chairs. They were easier to move underneath.
Tonight we are at Palmer's house after enjoying dinner with Jessica's family and Dancing with the Stars. Jace gets excited when his cousins are around. Tonight he went for a walk with Uncle Don and Alyssa. They walked to the nearby pond to check the water level. All the snow that fell Friday and Saturday is almost gone after the temp today reached 70. During the Dancing show Janae was laying on the floor watching the program so Jace pulled her hair and drooled on her head. We enjoyed the cake that my Grandma Courtney sent for my birthday. Jace had banana instead of cake but he didn't mind. He loves banana.

Today's Photo: Grabbing the Camera

(yes, the shadow is his finger)

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