No nap! Maybe Jace could sense that something was up this morning because he refused to take his nap. He was so tired. I tried putting him down twice and each time he started crying moments before I got in the shower. When Joel got home around 1 this afternoon I was still in my PJs and Jace was so tired he was having trouble eating lunch because he had to keep rubbing his eyes. I was really annoyed with Jace but somehow when Joel walked in everything got better. Jace smiled and clapped. He could barely hold his head up but it was obvious he was glad to see Daddy. I finally got my shower while Jace and Joel played. Jace took a short nap this afternoon but still seemed extra tired tonight.We had another meeting with the allergist this afternoon. We didn't get a lot of new info. She explained the results from the blood test. She seemed to think that the milk allergy would be something he would grow out of and the peanut allergy is not so severe that there may be some improvement with that also as he grows. For now, we are not introducing any milk products or peanuts. We will test him again later this year (around 18 months) to see if there is any change and discuss doing some controlled food tests. I would say she was cautiously optimistic.
Tonight it is cold and snowy again. I love this weather because we don't have anywhere we have to go in the morning so we can enjoy this latest snow together in our warm comfy house.
The cold weather blowing in.
You are looking super young in these photos! Like about 15. What is your youthful secret?
bangs...i think bangs make anyone look erin is just smokin!!!
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